Plenty to go around
When you seek to manifest material objects such as a new car, a home, or an increase in your income, you may think that having it will eliminate the chance that others will manifest the same. The good news is that the Universe knows only abundance. As humans we focus on lack in our lives. We never seem to have enough of anything. We know that we attract what we focus upon so it is not surprising that lack begets lack. Most people appear to be satisfied to just eke out an existence. They accept just enough to survive the day - no more, no less. They believe that only the wealthy can have it all. It may simply be that those who are wealthy hold the belief that they deserve prosperity and abundance, and that becomes their reality. Again think of how you would feel with these objects present in your life. Then focus on what it takes to have more of those feelings and the rest will fall into place. There is more than enough for everyone on this planet to have what brings them joy and happiness. What would that look like for you today?
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