Reaping what you sow

July 20, 2023

We are constantly being reminded of the power of our words and actions. Statements such as: "What goes around comes around," "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and "That will come back to bite you," are examples of the importance of treating others with respect and dignity. When we choose to treat people otherwise we attract circumstances that are less than desirable towards achieving true happiness. Think back to times when you may have behaved out of selfishness or fear. Did you really come out ahead in the long run? Also think about the reputation you are developing and if this is the way you want people to remember you. When people say they don't really care what others say or think about them, it may be a defense against taking responsibility for the effect their actions have upon others. I recall having a teacher use the analogy of finding it easier to retrieve all the feathers that were dispersed from a pillow that was shaken out from the tallest structure in a city than to retrieve the words we use against others. Think about this the next time you decide to speak ill of others or treat someone unkindly. What are you sowing today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.