Resistance is futile

April 2, 2021

It is in the nature of both human beings and the universe to seek growth and expansion. What we interpret as the reality of today will always look different tomorrow because nothing stays the same. Nothing either man-made or found in nature remains constant in its form. When we resist change in our lives it is like trying to interrupt the natural flow of life. Have you ever tried to dam up a stream? Once the water reaches the top of the dam it redirects its flow to either side of the stream to continue on. Our resistance is most often born of fear which can take on many shapes. It may be fear of failure, abandonment, or rejection. The majority of these fears are based on an imagined future event. We create a scenario that fuels our belief system. Remember that you also have the choice to create positive outcomes in your mind. Rather than resist what might happen, focus on how you would like the outcome to be and release this to the Universe. Then step back and watch the miracles take place. What is the story you are telling yourself about what you are resisting today and what can you do to make that positive?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.