Ring in the new

January 1, 2021

It is time to bid 2020 farewell and welcome in 2021. So much has happened this past year that tested our resilience and perseverance. We were faced with multiple challenges having to constantly adapt to new situations and information. Not everyone who ushered in 2020 is here to see 2021. You are here for a reason. How you use this next 365 days will help identify what that reason is. 2021 is a blank slate. What will you choose to write upon it? When 2020 arrived, what intentions did you set and how did they manifest? We are now entering into a new era of optimism. The power that drives that optimism comes from the collective thoughts and feelings of the world population. Your thoughts and feelings are your most valued possessions. The more positive they are, the more of a positive difference they will make in the world. You can choose to accept the gloom and doom you hear as your reality or you can create your own image of what your reality can be. Which choice better serves you? What intentions are you setting today to create your world of tomorrow?

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Ready to take your career into your own hands? Schedule a session with David to gain even more insight into getting the most fulfilling career for you. 

A reflection of a mountain in a lake.