
December 25, 2021

A ritual is a set of behaviors performed in a predetermined manner. People refer to their morning ritual upon awakening which is the sequence in which they prepare for their role that day. Rituals can bring a sense of order to life. You probably have rituals that you perform that you may not even have an awareness of. One of my rituals is to greet the day with wonder and awe as to what I will encounter in the next 24 hours. It only takes a few seconds and it sets the tone for how I will approach the experiences I attract. My other daily ritual is writing this blog. The first step in this ritual is to come up with a subject to write about. That happens in a variety of ways including a reference to something I have heard or simply through inspiration. I spend whatever time is needed to express my thoughts around the subject in one paragraph always ending with a question for reflection. I consistently learn something from what I write. As I near the 1000th blog entry I am amazed that I have not exhausted the subjects I include. I doubt that I will. Rituals add a rich dimension to your life. What rituals do you practice that add to that richness in your life?

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Ready to take your career into your own hands? Schedule a session with David to gain even more insight into getting the most fulfilling career for you. 

A reflection of a mountain in a lake.