Seize the day
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was that, no matter how my day was progressing, I could stop and begin a new day at that very moment. Time is not bound by the clock; it is simply a means to provide a reference point in our journey through life. Let's say that I have an appointment at 9. The electricity has gone out during the night affecting my alarm clock. I awaken at 8:10 and still have to get ready and drive to the appointment which is 30 minutes away. There is nothing I can do to change those circumstances and my first thought is to panic. I can take a deep breath, decide what I can do, and take action. I can call my client and let her know that I will be late, I can do what I can to get ready to make the appointment time, or I can have the client meet me closer to where I live giving me some extra time to prepare. This is responding rather than reacting to the situation. We seize the day and make the most of it given what we have to work with. I ask myself what the greater good is in the situation. Perhaps the client ran into the same circumstances but lacked the confidence to call and explain what happened. Your call was just what she needed providing her with a sense of relief. You never know. See each day as an opportunity to experience life to the fullest with what you perceive as negative events being part of the fullness of life. Remember that you are free to start the day at whatever moment you choose to live that life of fullness leading to a more serene state of mind. Is there a time today when you need to seize the day and start it over?
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