Self limits

June 6, 2023

We have been given the gift of dreaming. Not simply the dreaming that is related to sleeping, but the conscious focusing of our thoughts on what we desire in life. Our dreams establish the foundation for our intentions. We dream of a certain lifestyle and set our intentions to manifest that lifestyle. The Universe does not make judgments as to whether or not we deserve it. It transforms our thoughts into form. What prevents us from achieving this is our self-limiting thinking. We consciously or unconsciously tell the Universe that we are not really ready for this to happen in our lives. We tell ourselves that we are not worthy or deserving of such blessings. The Universe then waits patiently for us to be in a state of accepting/receiving the object of our desires. Then we wonder why the Universe is not listening. The truth it is that it is our responsibility to change our thought patterns through journaling, affirmations, declarations, and meditation. We open ourselves up to new experiences and opportunities and allow the Universe to take action to create what is necessary to bring us happiness. What are you doing to change your self limiting thoughts and beliefs today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.