Share and share alike

July 24, 2018

As children we were reminded to share with others. Sometimes the others were our siblings and sometimes they were playmates. Mostly this referred to sharing our personal belongings in the way of toys. Of course it was expected that what we shared would be returned at at the end of playtime. So it wasn't as much the physical object, but the enjoyment that came from its mutual use, that we were sharing. This is probably why there was so much laughter and joy associated with these activities. As we grew, perhaps sharing became more of a challenge. "If I share with you, it may diminish what I have." And so we became more reluctant in our sharing because the focus shifted from the positive feelings back to the physical object. What is it that we can share today? Most often it is a meal with others. The meal isn't really shared because, once it is consumed, it cannot be returned to its former form. It is the company of others that is actually being shared. We look forward to pleasant and lively conversation that lasts far beyond our usual eating time. We share our time through volunteering to a cause we believe in hoping that it will make a difference for those at the receiving end of it. Again we likely find volunteer opportunities that allow us to spend time with others of like thinking and purpose. There are countless ways that we can share that do not diminish us, but contribute to our well-being both in the present and in the future. Look for ways to share your time, talent, and treasures with others knowing that the returns will be immeasurable. What can you share with others today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.