Shoot for the stars
For many of us our lives have been spent with limited thinking. We look at those around us who are successful. We wish our lives were comparable to theirs but we do little to make that happen. We develop a comfort zone that on some level we believe keeps us safe. This becomes what we call our "set point." It may be related to our finances, our weight, or our relationships. For instance, we may pursue one diet after another, lose the pounds, only to find ourselves back to where we were - our set point. So how do we change those habits? We need to adopt a new way of thinking and acting. Create an image of yourself with your new weight or income and start behaving differently around it. This will involve a lifelong commitment to actually living your goal. Are you worth losing 30 pounds and living a healthier life? Are you worth bringing in an income that allows you to do all that you have dreamed of? "Shoot for the stars, you might hit the moon." Wouldn't that be an improvement over where you are today? What would your life be like if you shoot for the stars today?
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