Spiritual alignment and the Law of Attraction

January 24, 2023

For your desires to manifest themselves, it is important that you be in alignment with what you desire, what you believe, and the meaning this holds for you. Perhaps you desire a romantic relationship. Being with someone we truly love is one way to experience a small fraction of the depth that the Universe/God loves us. If we approach this desire as a way to make us whole, to find someone who places us at the center of their universe at the expense of who they are, or to save us from spending time with someone we don't really like (ourselves), then these beliefs may result in a relationship that leaves us unfulfilled. If the meaning behind this desire is to help us avoid self-acceptance, then we may find ourselves wondering where that right and perfect relationship is hiding. We must look at all the components related to manifesting our heart's desire and ensure that they support one another for it to become a reality. This may require you to take some time to give serious thought to what you desire and to continue to connect to your highest self as you walk through the process of manifesting. What have you done to be sure that you are in alignment so that you are open to the Law of Allowing and the manifestation that follows?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.