Spread a little love today

February 14, 2013

For many people today is an opportunity to focus on love. While there are those who only think of today as an expression of romantic love, it can go beyond that. While you may choose to express your love through the sending of a card or flowers, it may carry even more meaning if it shown through a kind deed. Think of how you ordinarily relate to those around you and consciously make an effort to take it to a higher level. For example, rather than just thank someone for what was done, point out the particulars that added to your life: "I appreciate you cleaning the dishes from the table. It gives me an opportunity to enjoy my cup of coffee after dinner." When a message such as this comes from love in your heart, it spreads to all around you. You can do this with those in your family, co-workers, or even strangers. Imagine what the world would be like if we practiced this on a daily basis. What are you going to do to spread a little love today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.