In my work with clients I find that a number of them identify stress as a major issue in their lives. They will experience stress in different degrees based on the severity of the consequences attached to the situation. Not being able to meet financial obligations is high on the list of stressors. Or perhaps it is their health. Whatever the stressor is, it exacts a heavy toll. Stress contributes to a number of health issues including blood pressure, headaches, and a suppressed immune system. Imagine pressing your thumb against an overinflated balloon. As you continue to apply pressure the balloon eventually bursts. Our physical system is designed to cope with stress to a point and then it releases it in ways that are not beneficial. This is not to downplay the gravity of the circumstances that contribute to stress. Ask yourself what you can do about those circumstances today and take the necessary action to reduce the stress involved. Then look at ways to reduce the fatalistic thinking you might have about the outcome. This can be through meditation, deep breathing, talking to a trusted friend, or just taking a walk to clear your mind. Imagine your life without this stressor present and maintain your focus on that. See if it has the effect of lowering your stress level. What is in your stress zone today that you can take action to reduce?
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