Success breeds success
What does success look like for you? Is it you accomplishing the goals you have set or the dreams that have always wanted to manifest? What feelings accompany success for you? It may be a feeling of satisfaction, joy, relief, security. Focus on those feelings and ask yourself what it took for you to be in that space. Perhaps it required that you held fast to that goal or dream no matter what was occurring around you. You were committed to taking the steps to success in spite of any obstacles you may have faced. You persevered through those difficult times seeing your destination as your true north. Your self-talk reflected the importance of having this success in your life. You told yourself that you could do this, that your focus was on the solution and not the problem, and that you were worth having this in your life. You were unstoppable in your belief in yourself. You had a plan that was flexible enough to allow for any changes in circumstance. There may have been detours but the destination remained the same. Each of your successes reinforced your belief in yourself. The initial small successes led to ever larger ones. What others may have called failures, were merely opportunities to recalculate your trajectory. You are here to experience all the joy that life has to offer. What have been the successes in your life and how have they led to even more success?
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