Take it easy

April 6, 2023

The events and problems we face today may appear to be overwhelming to us. We wonder if we will ever get through them and are filled with worry and care. There are several actions we can take to address these concerns. First and foremost is to think back to a similar situation in terms of the feelings accompanying the event. What was happening at the time to elicit these thoughts and feelings? Now fast forward one year and ask yourself if that same situation carried as much worry and concern as it did when it was happening. If is was, then fast forward until it has become a memory and has lost its strength to affect your life in a negative way. Secondly, focus on your connection with the Universe/God, whatever you choose to call it, as the Source of the solutions to your problems. Then allow yourself to be open to the answers it provides. Finally, make a list of what you have to be grateful for and place your focus there. I write about what I am grateful for in my journal each night. It definitely helps to relieve any worry I might have and I sleep more soundly as a result of it. What is a problem you had in the past that has changed in its effect on your life as time passed?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.