Taking chances
There is a sense of security in playing it safe. We believe that we have some semblance of control when we have identified a set of limited outcomes. It can be as simple as always choosing vanilla ice cream, driving the exact same route to work everyday, or always vacationing at the same destination. There is little likelihood of anything happening that would disturb our choice. One of the gifts of life is the ability to stretch ourselves beyond the tried and true. I found that to be the case when I began to think about writing this blog. I wondered if there would be people who would be interested in reading what I had to say, if I could express myself clearly enough in one paragraph to make sense to readers, and if I could generate enough different topics to maintain the blog. The only way to find out was to move from thinking to doing. The worst that could happen was to find out that what I wondered was true and I could live with that outcome. I find that I have written well over 600 entries and have people reading the blog on a daily basis telling me how much they enjoy it. This never would have had had I not taken a chance. What are you willing to take a chance to do today?
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