That still small voice
As a child I heard people talk about that still small voice within us. Even at a young age I knew that it referred to a sense of knowing what to do when a problem arose. What I didn't know was how people around me used it or if they even did. For me, that still small voice was stifled until it was barely a whisper. As time has passed and I have become aware of what that still small voice actually is, it has become louder and stronger in its presence. I was aware of it last night when speaking to a sales agent on a promotional offer. I felt a state of calmness when I explained that, even though it sounded great, it was not the time for me to take action on it. I would find myself checking in with that still small voice and hearing it gently say, "Not now." I am very aware of how this voice differs from one based on fear or anger. They have a very different dynamic and I now know not to make a decision when they are present for they tend to be more ego based. When I sit in quiet, the answers come. There is a wonderful sense of peace and tranquility when this occurs. I can also forgive myself for decisions that were not made in this manner knowing that it is all part of my growth and understanding of how the Universe works. How are you listening to your still small voice today?
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