The acorn within us
When we think of the mighty oak we sometimes forget that it began as a tiny acorn. Within that acorn lay the potential to produce a magnificent tree that provides a multitude of functions. It offers shade, prevents erosion, serves as a food source for squirrels, and provides a source of lumber. Like the acorn we also possess this incredible potential within us. It is our responsibility to tap into it and develop our magnificence. That magnificence is unique to each of us. It manifests itself through our skills and talents. We may be adept at building, analyzing, teaching, or communicating. We nurture our gifts and share them with others as a way to benefit those of this and future generations. Within the acorn is creation of one oak tree. Within the oak tree is the potential to create thousands more acorns that can grow to form a forest. Our skills and talents are meant to do the same in the impact they can leave behind. How are you nurturing the acorn within you that represents your potential?
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