The committee is in session
Self-talk can be a powerful influence on how you live your life. Someone once said that when they are in their head, they are behind enemy lines. Most people don't refer to mind chatter in a positive way. This can be especially true when the voices in your head are in session. These are the times when you hear statements like: "What makes you think you can do that?," "Don't you know what people will say about you?," and "You could never be in the same league as those people." Their message is so strong that it creates a fear that paralyzes you. You choose to do nothing rather than offend your committee. And so your life continues much as it always has ending with regret over what could have been. It may be time to fire the committee that lives in your head and replace it with a board of directors that supports your dreams and intentions. They are the ones you call upon for guidance and are valued for their wisdom and caring, Some people have actually identified famous individuals to serve on their board of directors and report hearing answers to their problems through their dreams and meditation. Anything is possible. Ask yourself what you learn from the committee that currently resides in your head. How does that serve you? What do you need to live a fuller life and what are the voices that would support you achieving that life? What would it take to replace what isn't working with one that does?
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