The cutting room floor
We know that not every scene that is shot makes it into the final version of the movie. Those scenes that do not serve the continuity, have flawed lighting, or faulty dialogue are removed to hopefully create an Oscar winning film. We are the film editors of our own lives. It is our job to review what we have produced so far and decide which aspects of our lives no longer work to produce the life we desire and deserve. If a certain behavior or attitude is deemed undesirable, it ends up on the cutting room floor. We may even decide to reshoot the scene to reflect what our new ending will be. You are constantly editing and rewriting the script that attracts new actors and action to support your dreams and aspirations. Think about your life today as you snip away at the parts of your life that haven't been leading you to those dreams. Are you happier, more at ease with yourself, and in alignment with your purpose for being here? What does the latest version of your life look like now when you leave those scenes on the cutting room floor?
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