The ins and the outs
There are many who believe that there is a definite distinction between those who are worthy of what the Universe offers and those who are not. Those who fall into the worthy category include individuals who have led lives of piety, donated millions to charities, or belonged to the right group. These criteria are often established by those who believe they are part of the "In" category. What is interesting is that it also divides the population into desirable and undesirable segments. The Universe does not discriminate among its creation. It sends its love and all that accompanies it to everyone. It is through our free will that we choose to be in alignment with that love or to follow the directives of our ego. The separation between us and the Universe is an illusion. It is never broken nor is it subject to our current state of thinking or feeling. It is ever present for all. We are all "Ins." How do you perceive yourself today and what would it take to include yourself in the "In" category?
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