The key to happiness
When you think of happiness, what comes to mind? Do you envision the perfect job, a loving relationship, a new house, or the latest technological gadget? What emotions do you associate with happiness? Is it joy, contentment, love, or peace? Do you live your life thinking or saying, "When I have or do this, I will be happy"? Do you seek happiness from without or from within? When our state of happiness is based on externals, the effects are short term. The feelings and desires soon pass and we are ready to move on to what we think will bring more happiness. Externals are also temporary no matter how hard we work to hold onto them. When we seek happiness as an internal state, we seek ways to sustain it that are more long-term. We do this through the daily practice of gratitude, avoiding overanalyzing our current situation, spending time with others, being kind to others, and learning to forgive. As you integrate these actions into your daily life, you will begin to notice a change in the way you feel about yourself. You will see the value and meaning that you have in who you are and what you do. You will begin to experience happiness throughout your day and those around you will be aware of its presence within you. Happiness is an inside job and well worth the effort to attain it. What are you doing to experience happiness today?
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