The last laugh
When was the last time you had a laugh that left you in tears? Was it from a joke you heard, a television show, or some unexpected action on the part of your pet? Laughter serves a number of purposes in our lives. It occurs following a stressful situation. Have you ever caught yourself laughing after an event where adrenaline was pumping into your system for defense? Laughter may be a way of stabilizing the body after such an event. Laughter also connects us to others. Think of a time when you might have been part of an audience listening to a comedian. I remember being in such a show in Las Vegas with tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt connected with others in the audience and left the show feeling lighthearted. Whatever might have been bothering me before I sat down at the show had been diminished by heavy doses of laughter. If you haven't laughed this way in awhile ask yourself what is going on in your life and if lightening up through laughter might be an effective antidote. Then look for opportunities to express laughter that day. You will notice a difference in your outlook. When was your last laugh?
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