The last straw

February 8, 2025

Is there something that you find to be so important that you are willing to go to any length to have it? Has it transpired for you in an effortless manner or have your efforts to obtain it been met with frustration and failure? If it is the latter, what was the last straw that led to surrendering the outcome to something greater than yourself? For over ten years I have held a vision of what I thought was my perfect home. I have actually toured it when it was up for sale several times. I watched the virtual tour of the home twice a day for a year imagining myself living in it. As of today I still live in my current home. Maybe winning the lottery would be the answer but the most I have ever won is $8. The solution appears to be to release this dream to the Universe and trust that my request is being heard. The response may be that that home is not meant for me. I always add, "This or something better." There is no need to worry at this point. All I need to do is practice gratitude for what I have knowing that I am guided in what I need to do next. Sometimes accepting our last straw is the sign that I don't need to control the outcome. What is happening in your life today that feels like the last straw?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.