The need for passion
A passion is a powerful emotion. When we think about our intention that we set, we must ask ourselves about the passion that is associated with it. Is our intention a passing fancy that we don't feel a true desire to have in our lives? Does it fall into the category of, "Yeah, it would be nice if I had a ..." Or is it something that you are deeply committed to having in your life? Perhaps it is related to your purpose in life. When I think of human beings with a passion to accomplish a specific goal, I think of Gandhi and Mother Theresa. Each day they attracted all that was needed to live the life they were intended to live. Most of us don't even believe we can come close to their level of passion, but they are simply models for what we are capable of doing and being. Most of us are not even aware of what our passion in life is. What are you doing today to identify your passion and move forward to achieve what you were sent here to do?
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