The new you
Each morning when you awaken you are a different person than you were when you went to bed. Overnight vast numbers of cells have been replaced in your body. The morning is filled with new possibilities and opportunities. Whatever you were dealing with the day before takes on a new perspective as dawn is breaking. Use the first few minutes of your consciousness of this day to celebrate and honor the new you. The old you may not have had what it takes to deal with a situation that is facing you, but the new you can choose to address it fully confident that you have what is required to deal with it head on. The most exciting part of all of this is that tomorrow there will be another new you to continue life's journey. Are you truly new? Maybe yes, maybe no. But if this approach to life helps in getting you over the rough spots, why not use it? It is one more way you have to live your life more fully. If you try it and it doesn't work, you are no further ahead or behind than you were yesterday. If you embrace the concept of a new you showing up each day, it could positively affect your circumstances. Is there a new you today and how will you use it?
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