The next step
What should I do next? When we are unsure of our next action analysis can become paralysis. Explore your options and their possible outcomes. Gather information you need to make the best decision you can given what you know. Use past experience and that of others you know to assist in guiding you. If you have seen a pattern in the steps you take and their results, use that to help in determining what to do next. Tap into universal consciousness to provide whatever else you need. Take your next step and release the outcome. A decision is just that – simply a decision. What we attach to it in terms of its correctness is what we perceive as its outcome. But every outcome is simply another step in our journey. Sometimes what we considered to be our worst decisions became our source of greatest insights and growth. Trust that you are always given what you need in the moment. Then put one foot in front of the other and move forward. What is the next step you need to take?
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