The pain of love
It is only human to want to love and be loved. When we are in love our senses feel heightened. You might feel like you are floating on air and that time feels suspended. This is perhaps why so many songs, movies, and theatrical productions focus on the theme of love. There is a magical quality to it. For as wonderful as it feels, there may likely come a time when that love changes for whatever reason. It may be based on the decision of a partner to terminate the relationship, the death of a loved one, or a gradual drifting apart. The warmth and wonder of the love we had is replaced by a feeling of loss and sadness. We talk about heartache, a broken heart, or feeling heart sick. This is the pain of love that can only occur when we have experienced its counterpart. For some that pain becomes overwhelming and they cannot imagine life without it. This is the time when it is important to accept that they can go on. They can share what they are going through with those who will support them until the pain begins to subside. What can remain are memories of what was positive about the relationship and the hope that one even better can enter their life. The pain of love accompanies our capacity to love. How have you experienced the pain of love and what did you do to move through it?
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