The power of a smile
One of the earliest behaviors that is reinforced in us is the smile. As infants we spend countless hours with our mothers who make us laugh and giggle to encourage smiling. We learn the importance of smiling in the presence of others. Smiles denote happiness, joy, and pleasure. The significance of a smile is part of a world culture. In the United States a smile is usually a symbol of openness and warmth. When we greet someone we know, we generally initiate the interaction with a smile. We don't often smile at strangers, but you never know how an unexpected smile can change someone's day. For a smile to be most effective it needs to be coupled with eye contact. Look at the person you are smiling at and think of sending them a gift such as a pleasant day. Or you can smile at someone providing a service such as a cashier or restaurant worker and tell them what you specifically appreciated about the service they provided. A smile can make all the difference in the world, for both the giver and the receiver. You might even try smiling when you are having a down day and watch to see how your day turns around for you. Who will you share a smile with today?
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