The pretending game
Much of our identity is derived from the roles we play in life. We have roles as a parent, a spouse, an employee, a friend, and more. When we refer to an identity crisis we are talking about a major shift in one of those roles that can be incapacitating. To expand what your current identity consists of, consider this activity. Gather a group of friends and have them, including yourself, each show up as a role they would play if they had all they needed to be successful in their eyes. It could be a millionaire stock market investor, a movie star, a CEO, an inventor, or a talk show host. Have your guests dress the part. When they arrive they are to stay in character throughout the event. They could even have accessories such as business cards, some adoring fans, or a patent. Emphasize the emotions that each guest feels during the party and have them make mental note of them. At the end of the party have each of them share what the experience was like and what their plans would be for making it a reality. You would be surprised at what this could lead to for some people. Who would you show up as at the party and what would that be like for you?
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