The roads not taken

September 16, 2019

Every day we are faced with choices. Some seem to be easier to make than others. Do I want to wake up now or sleep for fifteen more minutes? Do I wear the white or blue shirt? Then there are those that seem to be of greater significance. Do I continue my education after high school or begin to work? Do I stay in the town I grew up in or move across the country for new adventures? Each choice we make negates the others that could have been made in their place. Did sleeping in mean that you avoided being in an accident that you would have been involved in if you left home 15 minutes earlier? Did staying in your home town affect your career choices and meeting a different potential life partner? Every choice you make has an effect on the one that follows it. Imagine a road with an almost infinite number of possibilities for going in any direction. While we cannot change the choices we have already made, we can stop and spend some time on imagining what a major life choice can mean. It may help in deciding what seems to be within your best interest for the future. Of course the bottom line is that choices are simply choices. What road might you have taken that could have led to a different path in your life?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.