The squirrel cage

May 7, 2018

Imagine one day looking exactly like the one before it and expecting the same tomorrow. You wake up the same time, follow the same morning routine, and head off to spend your day performing the same tasks. Some people might relish this predictability. The choices they make are limited. It engages little in the cerebral cortex. This is what living in a squirrel cage is like. If you decide to run faster you don't get any further and the scenery never changes. Think about your life today and if any of it feels like you are running on the wheel in your own private squirrel cage. If so, what would it take to escape from it? What action would be required to break one of your routines? It could be as simple as showering after breakfast instead of before it. Or maybe you decide to make your bed before leaving the house. When you break a routine, you become more aware of your surroundings. Ground becomes figure and figure becomes ground. You might even enjoy life more that day. It certainly will feel different when you act differently. What is one behavior you can change to release you from your squirrel cage of repetitiveness?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.