The sweet smell of success
True success emanates from within. It is measured by the good work it does to enhance the lives of others without having to feed the ego. True success is humble and quiet. It has no need to brag or promote itself. We often confuse success with notoriety which requires external support and recognition. True success is sustaining while notoriety is fleeting. Individuals who depend on others for their identity and security find that their fame passes into a vague memory while truly successful people may be remembered for generations for their accomplishments. Think of successful people you know. What distinguished them as such? Was it that they were loving and caring throughout their lives or were they focused on being in the public eye no matter what their behaviors? Did the attention attached to their success become more important than what they did to achieve it? How does success fit into your own personal life? How have your successes benefited others? How do you feel when you have accomplished a task or project that does good in the world? When external recognition for what you do is secondary to sharing who you are, then you know you are truly successful. What does true success mean to you?
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