This is my time
You spend only one lifetime in the identity you have chosen. It is said that your tombstone shows the dates of your birth and your death with a hyphen in between. Of the three pieces of information, the hyphen holds the sum of all that occurred between those dates. What do you want to have that hyphen say about you? This is your time to live a life that is happy, joyous, and free. That can occur regardless of the conditions that surround you. Life is truly what you make of it. You may choose to take control of what life presents to you or you can choose live out your life as a victim. It is totally up to you. What is it that you want in this lifetime? It may be an education, a long-term relationship, a home, or a job reflects who you are. What actions are you taking for that to happen? You are the only one who can decide what your goals in life will be. What is the first small step you can take that will lead you to a place of happiness and joy? Fill that hyphen on your tombstone with as many experiences as possible. This is your time. How will you use it starting today?
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