Time and space

September 10, 2022

There are times in our lives when it is important to step back and give ourselves time and space to heal. Healing is not always on a physical level. We also need to heal on an emotional level. This can be especially true when we have experienced a loss. We need time to feel the emotions that accompany loss. That includes anger, sadness, depression, and helplessness. As time passes the emotions feel less intense although at any give moment one of them may surface based on an event or memory. Honor the feeling and let it last for as long as it needs to. We need space to be with our feelings. It is difficult to open yourself to what you need to feel when you are surrounded by others each seeking to have their own needs met. Having space can include being alone in your room or taking time to visit a safe haven that may be out of the country. You will know what you need to heal. Have the courage to ask for what you need. You aren't much good to others if you are not good to yourself. Know that you will be better able to deal with situations around you when you take care of yourself by giving yourself time and space. What are you doing to give yourself time and space today to heal emotionally?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.