True to your word
When you follow through on the commitments you make, it is evidence of your integrity. Integrity refers to the state of being whole or complete. What people see on the outside of you is matched by what is inside. Your words are an expression of what others may expect from you. When you tell someone that you will accomplish a task in a given amount of time, do you deliver on that agreement? Can others rely upon you to do what you say? Or can you become a master of excuses? Do you overextend yourself to the point where you find it difficult to follow through on anything you say you will do? If so, ask yourself what underlies this behavior. Begin to practice saying "no," knowing that you are actually doing this out of respect for the other person. It allows the other person to move forward in identifying someone else who can be of assistance. You will then have the time you need to execute the tasks you have agreed upon. It becomes much easier to be true to your word at that point. Think about the type of person you are attracted to in terms of their ability to follow through on what they say. I definitely prefer to work with people I can count on. When was the last time you agreed to carry out a task and what was the result of that agreement?
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