Try it on for size
Most likely you have been presented with opportunities to try something new. Maybe it was a new food or recreational activity. I remember eating wart hog in South Africa and crocodile in Australia. And they didn't taste like chicken. Would I eat them again? Probably. While I don't see myself as a particularly athletic person, I have white water rafted a number of times and truly enjoyed the experience. So far skydiving and parasailing haven't made it on to the list, but you never know. When you are open to trying something new, you are stepping out of your comfort zone. Hopefully as a result of your new experience, your comfort zone will be expanded. What keeps many of us from trying something new is our fear of the unknown and the need to be in control. Believe me, I wouldn't have tried white water rafting without first being instructed in what and what not to do. I observed the results of this the last time I did white water rafting when a person in the raft in front of us was part of a group that decided they didn't need instructions, and a woman had to be airlifted to a hospital after being trapped under a log in the water. Do what you need to to feel safe and then take a leap of faith that you will fare well in it. What is something you would like to try on for size and what do you need to do to prepare for that?
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