Turn it off and turn it over
Have you ever had a situation that didn't turn out the way you had originally planned? You run the scenario over and over again in your mind focusing on what might have gone wrong. It is like trying to dislodge your tires from a deep snowbank; the more you accelerate, the deeper you sink into the snow. There is another way to approach this. Begin by turning off the mind chatter. It is completely counterproductive. Ask yourself what you can learn from the situation, Are there any positive action steps you can take to address the situation? Once you have taken these steps, release the outcome. Check in to see where you are with the mind chatter. If it still exists, repeat the process. When you choose to focus on the problem, it only attracts more problems. If you are having difficulty coming up with positive solutions, find a trusted friend and discuss the situation. Don't hesitate to tell this person that you are having a difficult time letting go of this. Perhaps new insights will become apparent as you share the situation. Again release the outcome. You will know that you have been successful in turning it over when it no longer nags at you. You will feel a calmness and confidence about who you are regardless of external circumstances. What situation are you experiencing today that would benefit from turning it off and turning it over?
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