Two sides of the same coin

October 7, 2021

Each of us possesses the what some people refer to as the light side and the dark side. The light side usually consists of attributes such as love, caring, compassion, and generosity. The dark side is the part of us that is expressed through fear, anger, jealousy, and greed. Because all of these aspects of how we can act are present within us, they may show themselves in any moment. When they do, it is important to recognize that they are not who we are. They are a response to what is happening around us and within us. Love is not the opposite of hate, nor is greed the opposite of generosity. They are merely what exists along a continuum. I have heard said that the opposite of love and hate is apathy. Any time these aspects of who we are manifest themselves, ask what is underlying them. Is it your light or or dark side and what can you do about it? If it is your light side, how can you nourish it to grow even more? If it is your dark side, ask it what it needs right now to feel safe. Which side of the coin is facing you right now and what does that mean for you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.