Unsettling times

March 23, 2020

We generally prefer stability and predictability in our lives. It is inevitable that events will occur that can disrupt the status quo that require adjusting accordingly. We break a leg. A relationship ends. We lose a job. Such events take place on an individual level and are usually temporary. Then there are those events that are on a larger scale such as a natural disaster or an economic downturn. A larger number of people are affected by this and the recovery time may take longer than if it was happening to one person. Then there are the rare global events that affect the entire planet such as what we are dealing with now. Our sense of stability and predictability is shaken to the core. Clear answers evade us as to when and how it will resolve itself. It is in such times that we most find ourselves living in the moment. What can I do to take care of myself and those around me? How can I make my day meaningful? How can you bring a sense of serenity to your life when the world around you feels like it is falling apart?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.