Untapped potential
We are told that the human brain functions at only about 10% of its potential. If that was the case we would be in serious trouble when it comes to carrying out daily tasks. Our brains are active both day and night performing the necessary tasks for our survival. We know that the brain possesses powers of amazing resiliency. Unless there is serious brain damage, the brain is constantly at work. Even with brain damage, individuals have been known to reroute neural pathways to learn to walk and speak. So why is it that we hear that we only use about 10% of our mental capacity? Perhaps this is more related to our creative ability and problem solving. We know that learning occurs on a number of levels. The most basic level is simple recall of information. It doesn't take much mental effort to repeat our names and other personal information. Unfortunately this is the part of the brain that receives the most attention in our schooling. We have the capacity to create music, art, literature, and technology that holds no bounds. We also have the ability to solve incredibly complex problems as evidenced by what our scientists and engineers produce. Our untapped potential refers to that part of us that we allow to remain dormant and undeveloped for a number of reasons such as lack of motivation or opportunity. What are you doing today to tap into that part of you that takes you beyond the world of survival into the world of thriving and productivity?
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