Waiting and waiting
Once you set an intention, the next step is to release the outcome knowing that your request has been heard. Now comes the challenging part - waiting for the response. In some cases you may find the response to be immediate. Sometimes it takes weeks or months. The hardest is when you wait years before anything happens. This has been my experience in using the principles of the Law of Attraction. I believe that it will manifest itself when the time is right. Specific circumstances may need to take place. For example, if you are looking for a new place to live, it may be awhile before the current occupant of that perfect place for you moves out leaving it available to you. Then things begin to fall into place almost immediately. Other circumstances in your life may cause you to change your intention. You may be offered an employment position on the other side of the country that you can't pass up that completely changes the direction your life is taking. If you approach your intention based on lack, then you will simply receive more of what you are focusing on - the lack. Imagine your intention having form in your life today. Ask yourself how you feel with it present in your life. Then focus on the feeling that you sense and create experiences that energize that feeling. You may begin to notice a shift in how you perceive waiting for your intention to manifest. What are you waiting for today and what can you do about it?
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