Waiting in the wrong line

October 7, 2018

Imagine that there are three lines from which to choose. The first line is for people who believe that their lives are destined to be filled with lack and deprivation. They barely make it through the day only to have it repeat the next one. The middle line is for those who make a decent living, pay their bills on time, and feel content with their status quo. Life is rather predictable for those in this line. The third line is for those who are invigorated and fully open to a life that that provides for all their needs in all areas of their lives. They live a life that many envy and yet it is what they expect and deserve as their natural birthright. Which line are you standing in today and how long have you been standing in it? Who is in line with you and what do you notice about them? Are you pleased with your fellow line standers? Maybe you are waiting in the wrong line. If you are dissatisfied with your current situation, what would it take to relinquish your space and move to the line that most fits what you are meant to have and be in your life? Think about the life you want while you are here and what you can do to move to the line that delivers that. Which line do you see yourself in today and how is that serving you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.