Watch your words

August 22, 2022

The words we use are powerful. What we say about ourselves and others creates our reality. Do you speak about others with truth and kindness or do you speak with harshness and criticism? What you choose to say may be based on what you hear others around you saying. It is easy enough to fall into the trap of contributing to a conversation focused on the negatives of another person or situation. This is often a way of spreading gossip. As gossip spreads it has a way of transforming and twisting the message to make it more appealing to the listener. Eventually it takes on a form hardly recognizable to the person who originated it. It is much more difficult to see this effect when the message is positive to begin with. Imagine what would happen if we shared the good we saw in each person. Now think about the words you use to describe yourself. Are they loving or critical? If they are critical in nature, ask yourself if these are the words you would utter to the person you cared for the most in life. Now remember that you are the most important person in the world and adjust your language accordingly. What do the words you use say about how you value yourself and others?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.