We are always on the right path

August 17, 2023

We sometimes hear that we have gotten onto the wrong path in our journey through life. Perhaps a different way to look at it is that the path through life is often accompanied by twists and turns and detours. A set of experiences that initially was associated with pain and loss may serve as our greatest teacher in future choices we make. I recently shared about a time when my life appeared to be what we call "the dark night of the soul." This time became a turning point in my growth leading me to a new direction in spiritual beliefs and the incredible life I have today. Even now I am dealing with situations that I would truly not prefer to have happening in my life, and I know that they will lead to an even greater understanding of my purpose here on earth. All we need do is remain open to what we can learn from being on our current path. The Universe will surely provide those answers. Where are you on your path and what are you learning along the way?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.