Welcoming the tension

September 18, 2022

We tend to think of the presence of tension in our lives as a negative. We do what is necessary to relieve it: meditation, yoga, exercise, or aspirin. However there may be a positive side to tension. Tension is a reminder that there has been a change in the status quo. Our mind and body are responding accordingly. There is something going on that needs our attention. Perhaps we need to look at a current relationship that isn't going the way we would like, our current spending habits are out of control, or we are taking on too many obligations. Tension is like the yellow light on a traffic signal. It alerts us that something is ahead that will require us to stop and wait until we receive the green light to proceed. This is the pause that we need to evaluate what needs to occur next for us to make healthy choices. Once you do so, be aware of the level of tension present as an indicator of the effect of your decision. Without tension we would not be motivated to move forward to reduce it. What is the tension in your life alerting you to do today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.