What could be better?
What is happening in your life today that you wish was better? Is it something on the physical level such as your finances, your job, or health? Is it something on the emotional level such as your sense of well being or your happiness? What will life be like for you when there is an improvement in this area? How do you feel with its presence in your life? How will having this desire fulfilled enhance your purpose in life? When you have taken all of this into consideration, start to focus on the life you seek for yourself. See it as already present providing as many details as possible. Watch for ways in which it is beginning to manifest for you. Remember that what you put your energy and focus upon is what the Universe responds to. Your intentions are to be filled with confidence and expectation that they are being heard. When you have done so, release the outcome to be what you intend or perhaps even better than you could imagine. Anything and all things are possible. What could be better in your life today?
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