What follows the wallow?

February 22, 2017

During the times when life isn't following the direction you would like, you may choose to wallow in the misery of not having what you want in the moment. This may involve huge doses of self pity and lamenting that life will never be what you want. If this is what you need to do, indulge yourself. Turn up the volume on it to release it. Give yourself conscious permission to be in this state of mind with a note that you are giving yourself a prescribed amount of time to devote to it. When you reach that point, ask yourself what you plan to do next. Look at what has changed as a result of your wallowing. Has it changed your circumstances? Do you need to do more of it? If not, then look to what it was the brought on the wallowing. Is it time to let go of this happening in your life? Should you revise your goals with even better ones in mind based on what you know now? Once you decide what to do, begin to take action for a fresh start. Pat yourself on the back for the courage it takes to move forward. Then watch what happens next. What follows your wallow?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.