What you think is what you get
Your thoughts generate vibrational frequencies that flow out into the Universe creating whatever you are to experience based on that level. I demonstrate how this works when I provide the participants of my Law of Attraction workshops with paper clip suspended from a thread. I direct them to focus on a specific direction for the paper clip to move and the paper clip responds accordingly. If I direct it with a nonsense phrase, the paper clip remains static. Imagine what occurs when you are directing the Universe to respond to thoughts generated by anger or fear as opposed to those that come from love and gratitude. Knowing this, it would be beneficial to all to choose your thoughts wisely. On a more practical level, your thoughts are the first step to manifesting the objects of your desires. The home you live in, the car you drive, your job, and your bank account all exist because of a thought you held related to it. A desire (or thought) leads to an action that brings about a result. It is the Law of Cause and Effect in action. See if you can find an exception to the rule. Thoughts that are permeated wth joy, excitement, and enthusiasm generate a vibrational level that most likely corresponds to attracting a pleasing result. Be aware of how this shows up for you on a daily basis. If your thought patterns are not working for you, change them to ones that do. What have your thoughts brought to you so far today?
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