When do I start living?

November 23, 2018

Do you know someone who has a true zest for life or what the French call a "joie de vivre?" You can't wait to hear about their latest adventure when in reality all of life is an adventure for them. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are always off scaling the Himalayas or white water rafting down some untamed river. Even when they are performing mundane tasks, they seem to be enjoying doing them. We are envious of the life they live and ask ourselves, "When do I start living?" The only difference between them and us is that they have made the choice to live right now. They share the same 24 hours that you have. It is their attitude in how they approach using them. Think about your attitude to living life today. Do you feel weighed down by all that you are "supposed" to do or "need" to do, so that you must wait until you finish these tasks before you can begin to enjoy life? Or is your attitude to make the most of each day and whatever it brings? When you take your life off hold and begin to pursue your dreams and passions, life begins to feel different. That is why I have my 101 Wishes List to help create an exciting life. What are you doing to start living today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.