When in doubt
When I look behind doubt in my life I find that it can actually serve a positive purpose. Doubt is generally related to not having enough information to make a judgment or decision. Most people end the process of gathering the needed information by dismissing it with a simple, “I doubt that.” That is because most of the time we don’t see the value in pursuing the matter any further. But if there is value, this phrase may be a signal to explore the statement made to us. For instance, if someone says to me, “I think that this would be a good business venture for you to consider,” and I respond, “I doubt it,” there may be something valid to consider before completely ignoring it. Perhaps in doing the research I may learn of another opportunity that would work for me. It may be worth thinking about knowing that answers to our situations can come in less obvious ways than we were expecting. Think about this the next time you tell someone, “I doubt it.” What is happening in your life today where doubt can transform into opportunity?
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